i got new hobby!!
which can make me smile after a long day at work..
one day, time tgh tunggu my sis kt klcc,
i was standing at the middle klcc at level 1..
tgk org ramai jalan2 kat bawah...
what pleased me so much was..
tgk couple (husband and wife) walk together..
with their office attire, still..
holding hand..smiling to each other..
there is no tired faces..
when suddenly i smile by myself alone...
what a lovely people here..
they didnt care crowdness around them..
didnt remember their work matter..
it just like everything is over when with their spouse..
some of them holding hands..some of them hug her husband, or his wife..
and there is a couple smell his husband shirt..and laugh together..haha
i see me in them one day..
inshaAllah =)