the night before
fokus gila...
seryes tk pernah fokus camtu...
tak payah on music or karok pon still blh entertain..
dgn notes yg mcm kau tetap tabah!
hati kata jgn tidur!
tapi otak begging u to stop...
ok..then u stop...
tp jari ni menari2 tulis step kt atas bantal..
cian budak ni...dh gler...
tido mcm tk tido...
the morning before
malasnye nk bgn...
ade niat nk bakar dewan exam...mcm kt UM..
lompat2 depan gf tanye soklan...
gf pon buat muke blurr...
tgk notes lg...dh tak gune...
on the way before
rasa nk press motor laju2...
kalau jatuh tak yah amik exam...
tp terigt gf kt belakang ni...
jom la nyanyi2 atas motor sambil hirup habuk bus...
kalau hari2 camni, cepat mati aku nnti...
during that moment
selawat dan doa tak putus2...
haila....knp bnyk sgt tk nk kuar kt kepala ni...
knp main sorok2...buatpe malu2...
aku biar je tangan ni gerakkan pen tu...
tah betul tak...
yg kosong tk berjawab tu sorry la ye...
bkn tk nk jawab...kamu tk cntk sgt utk di jawab...
huaaaaa..padahal aku lupa....
after the moment
still dgn muka blurr
hey..nk buat mcm mane...
terasa sgt sakit sampai tk mampu nk menangis pon...
tgk muke gf...tnye die...knp aku tk nanges??
gf aku gelak....
kan aku dh ckp aku benci kamu sepenuh hati...
aku tak nk jumpa kamu lagi!!!!!
doa mustahil....
takziah kepada anda Statistical Inference....
p/s: terus bersemangat for next paper :)..masih mampukah tersenyum??...

semak kan?? but notice that how busy i am i still have time to look at my parents..time for my meal, and took care of my beauty (note the 'sikat' and the lotion) hahaha
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