Wednesday, January 18, 2012



When you look through the window, imagine there is no more many sins have you made. Do you think Allah will forgive us in one night? I know “Allah itu Maha Pengampun”. But I myself don’t know how sincere I am when I performed my repent prayer. How much price the tears that come through my eyes. Sometimes I realize that I would make the same mistake again.

Sometimes I look into myself. Yes, cover my awrah is easy. But to cover them completely is so not easy.. even the simplest thing also I can’t change it, how I want to change my whole life. When I go through all my clothes I fell like to burn them all. But then when I look any beautiful women wearing stylish cloth I struggle with my own desire. Oh Allah, put me in the right path. Strengthen my iman… I heard story that a women that doesn’t cover her leg with socks and her hand, she got burned on her leg and hand for her “grave punishment”. I keep haunted with that moment. I don’t want my grave full with fire.. full with snakes…I don’t want to die without saying syahadah. I scared driving cars. That’s the fact. I pronounce shahadah whenever I went into the car. Let me die in other way not in accident..please Allah =( I heard story of your tongue will freeze during your sakaratulmaut if you ignore azan.. that’s what we always did right…so much sins =(

“dosa-dosa ku bagaikan pepasir di pantai” that’s hurt me =( let me die as a great muslimah a solehah daughter for ayah & emak a good sibling a great friends a best companions. Last dream…give me chance to be a great wife. Because a good wife is easily to enter your Jannah…then you can take me away…..huhuhu…