Saturday, April 30, 2011

kepadaNya kembali

hari ni sorg daripada kawn fb aku dah meninggal dunia..
even aku tk pernah kenal die tp ade jgk la bau2 kawan tu..
she's soooo pretty...mcm model..
bf die kawan kpd kawan aku yg aku dh tk contact la ni...ada la jgk tu bau2 kawan..huhu

bila jd perkara2 mcm ni..buat aku tersedar..
aku still ade kawan2, org2 yg aku syg kt dunia ni..
semua sihat walafiat..maka aku kene hargai..sebelum mereka tinggalkan aku
atau aku tinggalkan diorg..
ajal dan maut tu tk bg alarm kdg2..
kalau ade slh seorg drpd mereka tinggalkan kite..
mesti kite akan fkr..bila last kite ckp dgn die..ade tak kite terkuat suara..
termarah tk tentu hala...
tertengking tk semena...
takkan semua nk tunggu raya...kita khilaf..
kadang2 kite tk sedar...ape yg kite ckp tu bt org lain sedih..
org lain menangis.dan terasa sampai jiwa..
hati org tk sama..ade yg lembut..ada yg keras..ade yg tkde perasaan..

kdg2 kite selalu pendam..
bende yg kite nk tk tercakap..
sampai 1 saat dh tk sempat..menyesal pon tk guna..

berbalik pada kawan aku tu..
nama die rania..
akhir2 hayat die aku tgk die sempat bahagia.
akhir2 hyt die, die jumpa lelaki yg blh membahagiakan dia..
die blh rasa cinta..
akhir2 hyt die, die sempat menjengah ke kota mekah..
rania ni seorg yg cantik..
tp Allah bagi die ujian dgn kesakitan..
semoga die ditempatkan dlm golongan org2 yg beriman

p/s: kdg2 tk perlukan kata2 utk memahami sesuatu

Thursday, April 21, 2011

dont read =p

sblm baca *ignore my english...

things happen...
cerita bermula dgn USM itu sndri..
aku spt seorg yg tkde perasaan dan redha dgn aturan yg ayah rencanakan..
tp parents choice always the best..
masa tu aku tk fkr pape..i have to started new life in USM..left everything about UM behind..
1st day kt USM gementar pon tkde, kekok pon tkde, excited pon tkde..
conclusionnye aku mmg blurr..just go with the flow i guess..trima je..
1st year kt usm was like not finding myself yet..masih dihantui kngn UM.
masa 1st year aku kenal 'belang'.tp skjp je..
pastu aku ade besfren nama fiq..bdk skjp jgk..
sbb gf die tk ske aku..time tu dark cloud aroun me again :'(
sedih hlg kawan dr hlg bf okee..
then aku trskan the rest of my 2nd year dgn rilex nye..

punye la aku mls nk minat sape2 tbe2 terminat plk kt sorg mamat ni...
kau ske sgt dok kt blkg aku ni rabun.. course-mate aku pon rabun..jadi dok dpn jela.
tk dpt nk usha anda selalu..msk kelas smkn srnk dgn adenye kamu..*but u ignore my existence.. =(
kamu ske sgt pakai sweater htm kot..smpai rumate aku suh aku tgo..aku kata jgn..
pastu selalu plk la jumpa kt khaleel....kt cafe..aku pasan sorg2..sengih sorg2.. *another ignorance ..
pastu dh tk nmpk kamu kt kelas...gila bosan balik kelas tsbt..haha..
then masa puasa nmpk balik kamu kt bazarr..lalu sblh sgt!
err..time tu rasa nk tgr apa aku nk ckp?? die bkn knl aku pon..*another ignorance
aku mula la cr langkah utk taw nama die..dpt tau tk tau nk kt fb tk jumpa..alahai malangnya..
dgn bantuan cik nysa aku dpt jgk fb die! ske gla bila dia tgr dulu...berbunga2...
dr fb ke ym..berlarutan sampai hbs raya +++..
pas ym main tkr2 nombor plk kan..haha..itulah CARE die k..=p
and after few months kot..20.10.2010..hihi..
syarat2 aku...dgn aku hrs ade komitmen..kalau nk main2 u can leave me now n forever..
so far almost 6 months u really brighten my life..
i got new life with u and your friends..
i got new interest with your outdoor thing..
i dont care what people say about you..
i love you the way u are..
i know you always tried to spend something for me..
i dont wish for just have to be here with me..
kesederhanaan itu selalu mencukupi buat saya..
even kasut pon kite share..haha..funny..but sweet.. =)

boleh kira dgn jari tgn plus jari kaki bape hr lgi kt cn..
exam final aku pulak tk start2 lain nk hbs dh.sampai aku tk taw nk bace ape dah..
i wish the best for us!

p/s: i wrote this to make us remember soon, when the hard time come to us, we still remember the best thing that used to happen in our we never hate each other =)..again, im not good in writing...

Monday, April 18, 2011


motif gbr???
owhh saya sgt suka tgk diaa, wardina safiyyah..
esp this picture..

i cried when i see this..
she looks really like a great mom, wife..
who loves her son so he's the most precious gift from Allah..
i wish i'll get this opportunity..hold my own child..
with soo much love..
she has a very calm face..
i wish i can be a great Muslimah ..
i wish i'll be a great wife...
i wish i'll be a great mother..

p/s: bkn tk itu kan impian stp perempuan =)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


dari Allah kita dtg..padaNya kita pasti kembali..
ketika masa aku tidak berpeluang untuk sujud kepadaMu,
saat itu lah aku mula menginsafi...mula mangingati..
enth sempat atau tidak bagiku untuk berpeluang sujud beribadat semula kepadaMu..
manusia seperti aku..tidak pernah menggunakan kesempatan dgn sebaiknya..
terasa jahil...

ampunkan daku...jika aku melupakanMu...
jadikan aku org yg bersyukur....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

who says??

You made me insecure,
Told me I wasn't good enough.
But who are you to judge,
When you're a diamond in the rough.
I'm sure you got somethings,
You'd like to change about yourself.
But when it comes to me,
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else

I'm no beauty queen,
I'm just beautiful me.

You've got every right,
To a beautiful life.
Come on!

Who says,
Who says you're not perfect,
Who says you're not worth it,
Who says you're the only one that's hurting,
Trust me,
That's the price of beauty,
Who says you're not pretty,
Who says your not beautiful,
Who says.

It's such a funny thing,
How nothings funny when it's you.
You tell me whatcha you mean,
But then keep whiting out the truth.
It's like a work of art,
That never gets to see the light.
Keep you beneath the stars,
Won't let you touch the sky.
l ]
Who says you're not star potential,
Who says you're not presidential,
Who says you can't be in movies,
Listen to me, listen to me,
Who says you don't past the test,
Who says you can't be the best.
Who said,
Who said,
Would you tell me who said that,
Who said?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


fews more days...i was struggling like $%^#$ another new thing, training!
so excited!
gotta be my 1st time..i hope i can handle that. even i got bad feeling about this.not about myself but the people around me..did my existence is acceptable?????..hurmmm..i try not to think about it.besides, this is my final sem! redah jeeee..lantak apa org nk kata..

i love to be busy..maybe im kind of workaholic person *(pasan)..
i just hope i can grad with flying colors for this very last sem.. even though its quit late already..
ohh never mind..lets do the best! =)

hohoho...sgt suke pic ni..*( tp still x semanis saya..haha)
boleh tk tido mlm..
gonna hardly missing u!!!
3 weeks je lg?...damn...we are running out of time..
that's it...i have nothing to write..